Tuesday, February 24, 2009


As I've been tightening our belts one dollar at a time, my lovely 2 1/2 yr old added to our monthly budget in toiletries today...here's the tally as of 8:22pm
  • bottle of "special" lotion to calm roseacea...$50
  • bottle of Aspen cologne...no idea of price, I think it was Matt's from Junior High...not too upset about this one except the fact that the house smells like a boys junior high locker
  • 1/2 bottle hand soap
  • Entire bottle of my only "non-cheap" shampoo (I mention this because there was 3 other cheap bottles she could have chosen). The only way I knew she was dumping it out was the song of "bubbles, bubbles, I love bubbles" from the mid-day bath she was taking to wash her "ouchy"butt that had soaked in aformentioned liquids earlier while I was mopping more of aformentioned items off floor.
  • 1/4 roll of toilet paper
  • 2 razors (only after she "shaved my face like Daddy". Yes, there was blood. )
  • 1/4 bottle of hand sanitizer
  • 1/4 bottle lotion

Luckily she did not get into the other side of the medicine cabinet...so I guess our toddler proofing needs to increase it's height restriction.Hope you're having a happy Tuesday. This face cheered me up...

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