Tuesday, February 17, 2009

blue love

blue, originally uploaded by Erica and Ryan.

I had the greatest valentines day. We made english muffins and apple/carrot/lemon juice.
And this guy spent all day telling me he loved me and hugging me. Sweet Ryan.
I've been pretty stressed lately. I am super busy with work. So much that it feels like I won't be able to finish it all. It is actually affecting my sleep. Which is bad because us mommies need to capitalize on the moments we have to sleep. Then he insists that if I'm feeling stressed and can't sleep, I need to wake him up. I did, he rubs my back and bam...I'm asleep.
Today I feel very rested. So I think I should remind myself of somethings I love right now.
- Mali's little coos and sounds she's making...all the time. Oh, and her laughs and her smiles.
- The decaf coffee we brought back from Hawaii
- the faint chaco tan I have on my feet from 8 days spent in the sun
-sunny february days like today that remind me March is right around the corner. I love March.

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