Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Weathering the Storm.

This made me tear, made me think, and most of all made me think how lucky we are to have each other and be healthy.

This is what I celebrate this season:
  • that we have happy healthy kids, that our parents ALL get to be GRANDparents,

  • that we can be stuck in a winter storm and stay inside for 4 days and still like each other at the end (OH, and eat VERY well-thatnks again for all the cooking-even the Pipeline),

  • that even if the change in schedule throws the girls sleeping off, it's still worth the visit,

  • that a new birth for a best friend makes me remember being a mom for the first week and makes me look at Logan and think twice before I yell at her for exploring her curiosity,

  • that while cold weather and sickness is a drag, it still is something that you get to go through together as a family

  • that while it's nice to get your laundry done, clean the house, and have order in the chaos...chaos is so much more fun,

  • that while White Trash Parties, Drinkin Ten High and Yellowstone Valley Beers, nursing hangovers with big greasy breakfasts the next day, wondering when the boys would come home from the Rockpile, and knowing you can count on your good friends to go out looking for spouses in the middle of the night makes me miss close friends, being able to JUST SIT and look at our babies, and laugh with them and NOT be productive is just a different kind of closeness.

Thanks again for braving the storm to come play with us, we'd be stuck with you anytime!

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