So I guess I needed to show that Dylan beat Baby M first...she SO deserved that punch to the face! We made it to Seattle (at 2am) of course Push-On-Through decided to just go the whole way once we got on the road...10 hours almost exactly. The roads were pretty horrid all the way except Ritzville to the base of Snoqualmie pass. I have never seen Spokane with so much snow...24 inches...It was pretty much a winter wonderland the whole way!
Want to share this baby foods site (not that you need it now, but for future reference), it was super easy to navigate and answered my questions about what was OK (or not) for Dylan to eat. I hope you guys have a quick, safe trip and talk to you soon!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Dylan really likes Baby Mauli...I swear
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Deck the Halls (Ok Shower)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Weathering the Storm.
- that we have happy healthy kids, that our parents ALL get to be GRANDparents,
- that we can be stuck in a winter storm and stay inside for 4 days and still like each other at the end (OH, and eat VERY well-thatnks again for all the cooking-even the Pipeline),
- that even if the change in schedule throws the girls sleeping off, it's still worth the visit,
- that a new birth for a best friend makes me remember being a mom for the first week and makes me look at Logan and think twice before I yell at her for exploring her curiosity,
- that while cold weather and sickness is a drag, it still is something that you get to go through together as a family
- that while it's nice to get your laundry done, clean the house, and have order in the chaos...chaos is so much more fun,
- that while White Trash Parties, Drinkin Ten High and Yellowstone Valley Beers, nursing hangovers with big greasy breakfasts the next day, wondering when the boys would come home from the Rockpile, and knowing you can count on your good friends to go out looking for spouses in the middle of the night makes me miss close friends, being able to JUST SIT and look at our babies, and laugh with them and NOT be productive is just a different kind of closeness.
Thanks again for braving the storm to come play with us, we'd be stuck with you anytime!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Reinventing my Inner Yogi
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
three girls
Today I felt like I might be getting sick. Boohoo. So I’ve been resting, drinking liquids and popping vitamins. I stayed up last night writing my recommendations on slings and other baby stuff for a few good friends expecting babies this spring. Maybe we should write a joint article on the goods. Maybe we should write a book. There doesn’t seem to be any shortage of books out there on the topic of babies. I’m sure we’d get published. Ha!
Of course, I took a few photos while you were here. Not the adorable portraits of our babes that I had been hoping for, but next time right? Yes, your time here was busy, but I’m so glad we had it. It’s definitely easier when we are staying at the same place (or next door). We missed the all-babies-are-asleep-now-we-can-really-hang-out moments. Plus, I think we definitely pushed our little ones way past the arsenic hours. I’m still laughing about what we must have looked and sounded like as we made the trek from Bart’s to my house.
Ryan is still in SoDak. They are going to drive home tomorrow when they are done working. They are so ready to leave they are going to drive through the night.
Finally, here’s another great event in Carbondale. A fashion show fundraiser. My mom might enter…with a line of sheet pants! Just makes me smile. She wants me to come down for it...maybe be a model. You want to go?
"Fought over any good books lately?"
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Is it your back?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Conversating without the phone
Also, noted all the giveaways and have entered already...I've been "hinting" to Matt Lisa Leaonard Designs for months...not sure if it's the lack of funds or just disinterest...probably the latter. Hey, I was thinking of coming over this weekend...Westerman's holiday party and Tracy's Shower? Maybe, with gas prices so low, it's almost worth it even for just a day or 2.
So I'm on night 4 of the, let-Dylan-Cry-A-Bit-So-We-Can-All-Get-Some-more-Sleep-Around-Here and she only fussed for about 5 minutes tonight, but I am pretty sure her 2 bottom teeth (need I mention the song-unfortunately this will probably be our kids) are coming in in the next day or 2, so I am not so hopeful for a restful night...right now Log is at her door hiccuping and asking for "mor wader", if only this 2 yr old voice would stay...
Oh, and hey, look, it's us...
And I don't care what you say, I'm the tomato.
Happy Tuesday.
Oh, and I got Your Life or Your money AND Eat, Pray, Love for under $10, I thought that was pretty good. I thought it may be one I want to highlight or write notes in, by the way, how do you annotate books/quotes/etc?
Holiday giveaways galore!
Simplemom has one ending tomorrow and it is a huge package of all kinds of baby and kid stuff. There are some very cool companies making some cool stuff. I'm definitely going to check out the music by Swingset Mamas.
Simplemom has another giveaway ending on Friday that is jewelry. One of the pieces if by Lisa Leonard. Lisa has had giveaways on all sorts of blogs lately, and I keep registering hoping to win. I love her designs. And the rest of the keepsake jewelry is just lovely. As Simplemom puts it, they would all make the best gifts (for us moms). I emailed Ryan a link to Lisa Leonard's website, now I think I'll just email him this post by Simplemom.
Soulamama has a jewelry giveaway and it sounds like she'll have more coming over the next week or so. She's so sweet.