Monday, November 24, 2008

things I've loved this week

My sling. This has been the key to being a single mom for a week. I love all my baby carriers (must do a post about these in the future) but this week it's been my simple sling. I got it from Macsaks, she's right here in Billings. I plop Mali in it, then we hang laundry or more likely walk the dogs. I also LOVE it for running errands when driving. She and I are getting quite good at getting her in it. Amazing what a difference neck control makes!

I'm into coffee again. I love the taste, the color, the temperature and the comfort it brings. I tried caffeine one day. whoa...bad idea. Decaf it is...

The library. I've checked out movies, music for Mali, and books of course. Plus, it's perfect walking distance.

Smitten Kitchen's entries this week. She talks about pie crust today. I now don't care what we have for dinner, I can only think of are pies and tarts. I'm wavering between this one or this one. Is there a reason not to do both?

My parents are coming this week for Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to having them here and having them gush all over Mali. Friends will likely come over after dinner and hopefully we'll play some games. Maybe we'll put the phone on speaker so Matt can play.

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